Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Fall of Communism

The rise of Communism in Russia was very similar to that of Communism in China. Both overthrew age old dynasties, and threw the country into civil war between those who opposed communism (nationalists, those who wanted democracy, monarchists) and communists. In each regime, propaganda and a personality cult revolving around one dictator were key tools. Mao and Stalin were god-like to their people. Each regime reinforced their power through violence, and was not afraid to purge and silence those who expressed views other than their own. Both dictators introduced policies that resulted in utter catastrophe, but were never met with any resistance. While both countries now hold capitalist economies, the government of China is still retains many of its communist values. Communism was completely overthrown in the Soviet Union, while it was never really taken down in China. The one difference between the regimes toward the end, was that the Soviet Union began to loosen its grip on the people, and introduced social and economic reforms such as perestroika and glasnost. While the Chinese have reformed economically, they still maintain stringent social policies. The Chinese experienced virtually no resistance, apart from the protest in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Where the Chinese able to maintain control because they refused to reform? Was the downfall of the Soviet Union it's attempts to open up the government? Why did the Chinese remain complacement, while all throughout communist europe regimes were overthrown? Ironically, the protest in Tiananmen Square helped to spark the revolutions of Eastern Europe, yet did little to help those in China.

1 comment:

  1. Emma,

    The ideas here are worth further explanation. It suggests that reform attempts can themselves be a spark to revolution, and that if you want to prevent a revolution, the most important thing is to make no concessions. And yet that doesn't seem correct either. So what's the relationship between reforms and revolution?
